Category: Cooperative
string(241) "Ten years ago, Her Majesty Queen Máxima opened the doors of the new cheese factory, 'the New Time' in the Beemster. An ambitious project with which CONO Cheese Makers took an important step into the future. Since then,..."
string(220) "Wie De Boer Niet Kent met CONO veehouders The new season of Wie De Boer Niet Kent is coming up again! This program, which focuses on farm life with special attention to sustainability and animal welfare,..."
string(238) "Once a year, the weekly cheese market in Alkmaar is extra special, as that is when the intronization of the Honorary Guild of North Holland Cheese takes place. Such is the case today, Friday, September 6. Persons who have rendered themselves deserving..."

Intronization Honorary Guild North Holland Cheese 2024

Sept. 6, 2024
Once a year the weekly cheese market in Alkmaar is extra special, because that is when the intronization of the Honorary Guild of North Holland Cheese takes place. Just like today, Friday, September 6. Persons who have rendered themselves deserving...
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string(210) "Every week the cheese market in Edam is opened by a prominent figure from the area or from the cheese world. On July 17, none other than our own CONO director Jerry Griep was allowed to open the cheese market. He..."
string(214) "Written by: Rivq. With a robust data warehouse and a Microsoft Power BI environment under active management, it's safe to say: CONO Kaasmakers has data and analytics well in place. That's why it was time for a..."
string(224) "On Friday, June 14, the Alkmaar Cheese Market opened with the ringing of a bell, provided by CONO cattle farmer Daan van Dolder, at the invitation of CONO Kaasmakers. Prior to the bell ringing, Daan van Dolder was received..."
string(213) "On Friday, May 10, the Alkmaar cheese market opened with a bell ringing provided by the jubilee colleagues of CONO Kaasmakers. A great moment to put colleagues in the limelight. This year we only count..."
string(250) "CONO Kaasmakers congratulates Evert Fokker (Korver Kaas, Bodegraven) and Wim Betten (former director CONO Kaasmakers, Westbeemster) on joining the North Holland Cheese Guild of Honor! On August 25, 2023, Alderman Anjo van de Ven presented four..."

Honorary Guild of North Holland Cheese 2023

Aug. 28, 2023
CONO Kaasmakers congratulates Evert Fokker (Korver Kaas, Bodegraven) and Wim Betten (former director CONO Kaasmakers, Westbeemster) on joining the North Holland Cheese Guild of Honor! On Aug. 25, 2023, Alderman Anjo van de Ven presented four...
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string(224) "Managing Director Wim Betten will retire effective July 1, 2023. He is transferring his position to his colleague Jerry Griep, who is currently serving as Commercial Managing Director. Betten has served as a member of the board of directors at..."
string(283) "CONO Kaasmakers congratulates Eduard Treur (Treur Kaas, Woerden), Peter Verweij (Kaashandel Remijn, Kerkdriel) on joining the North Holland Cheese Guild of Honor! On Friday, August 26, Mayor Anja Schouten intronized the four ambassadors for North Holland cheese...."

Honorary Guild of North Holland Cheese 2022

Aug. 29, 2022
CONO Cheesemakers congratulates Eduard Treur (Treur Kaas, Woerden), Peter Verweij (Kaashandel Remijn, Kerkdriel) on their accession to the Guild of Honour for Noord-Holland cheese! On Friday, August 26, Mayor Anja Schouten introned the four ambassadors of Noord-Holland cheese....
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string(229) "CONO Dairy farmer Gerben van Diepen was appointed president of CONO Kaasmakers at the general membership meeting on Nov. 17. Van Diepen took over the gavel from Evert Kremer, who had been chairman of the..."

Gerben van Diepen new chairman CONO Kaasmakers

Nov. 17, 2021
CONO Dairy farmer Gerben van Diepen was appointed chairman of CONO Kaasmakers at the general members' meeting on Nov. 17. Van Diepen took over the gavel from Evert Kremer, who had been president of the...
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