Ownership of dairy farmers
CONO Kaasmakers is a cooperative founded in 1901 by a number of dairy farmers from North Holland. The unique thing about a cooperative is that all the members have a say. It is an association with a business. Large and important decisions are voted on during a members' meeting.
The more than 400 CONO dairy farmers are, as members, also owners of CONO Cheese Makers and jointly determine the course of their cooperative. Twice a year, the dairy farmers have a say in the policy during the General Members' Meeting. The General Members' Meeting elects a Board of Directors and a Supervisory Board from among its members.
Management & Supervisory Board
The Board consists of eight dairy farmers from the cooperative and determines the policy of CONO Kaasmakers. The Supervisory Board consists of five cattle farmers and two external supervisory directors. These Supervisory Directors supervise the Board's policy and give advice.
The board is in charge of day-to-day management. General manager is Jerry Griep
Youth College
The Young People's College consists of twelve cattle farmers under the age of 35 and CONO's Cattle Farming & Transport Manager. The Young People's College has a sounding board function for the executive and supervisory boards and is a breeding ground for young members with management talent.
Sounding board group Caring Dairy
The sounding board group consists of twelve CONO cattle farmers and CONO's sustainability manager. This committee monitors the development of the livestock farming policy and the sustainability programme at CONO. They have a sounding board function towards the executive board and supervisory board members.
Feeding Committee
The rations fed to CONO cows have a major influence on the health and welfare of the animals and on the taste of our cheese. The feed committee critically follows the quality of the feed and new developments in the field of cattle feed and their possible influence on the animal welfare and the taste of our cheese.
Supplier to the Royal Household
In June 2001, Her Majesty the Queen Beatrix granted CONO Kaasmakers the right to carry the designation "By Royal Order Purveyor to the Royal Household. This honor only comes to companies that are at least 100 years old and have an exceptional track record.