Facts & figures


Company form: Dairy cooperative
Place of business: Westbeemster

Cash milk price (2023)

47 per 100 kg

Annual sales (2023)

320 Million

Milk supply (2023)

440 million kilograms

Cheese production (2023)

34 thousand tonnes

Number of farmers


Number of cheese makers

212 fte


  1. 2025

    Launch renewed Caring Dairy Program

  2. 2023

    CONO drives the Netherlands' first all-electric RMO.

  3. 2021

    A new sustainability ambition: positive for future generations

  4. 2021

    Most CONO cheeses are vegetarian

  5. 2020

    100% GMO-free milk

  6. 2020

    Cheese factory climate neutral certified to the standard of Anthesis (Climate Neutral Group).

  7. 2016

    Closure of old cheese factory


  8. 2014

    Opening new cheese factory


  9. 2012

    Start of construction of new cheese factory

  10. 2008

    Launch sustainability programme Caring Dairy

  11. 2002

    Start of active promotion of outdoor grazing of dairy cows

  12. 2001

    Receipt of the Supplier of the Year predicate

  13. 1901

    Establishment of cooperative



General Journal

Beemster Jong best young cheese from supermarket


World Cheese Awards 2024

Super gold for Royaal Grand Cru and Beemster old 30+ and gold for Beemster X-O-


Captain of the Category - domestic and foreign cheese

DLG Awards

Gold for Beemster X-O-

Foodstuffs newspaper

Best Introduction: Beemster Signature shot pieces

Sustainable Brand Index

Sixth year in a row: Most sustainable cheese brand according to Dutch consumers

Milk Milk and more milk

A fair milk price so farmers can produce the very best milk

CONO Kaasmakers set the cash milk price for 2023 at €47.29 per 100 kilograms.

Our dairy farmers' cows spend an average of 175 days a year*, over 10 hours a day in the pasture. All our cheeses are made from 100% pasture-raised milk.

Of the CONO dairy farmers, 97% meet the national grazing standard.

Our milk is 100% GMO-free.

*grazing result 2024

Caring Dairy objectives and results

The tables below show the goals and results achieved. The goal is an average for the entire cooperative. Each company can make further sustainability improvements based on its own vision and operations, so there will always be variation between companies.

Happy cowsObjectiveResults
Indicatoruntil 202520172018201920202021202220232024
1. Dairy cattle grazing≥ 180 days
Number of days175194182185180191176175
≥ 1440 hoursNumber of hours1836207419141907189119591794
2. Grazing young cattle ≥ 120 daysNumber of days169173162177175
3. Closed companyNo supply of cattle% closed companies5661637071
4. Healthy calves≤ 15% calf mortality% calf mortality131210,5310,199,228,838,89
5. Lifetime≥ 6 yearsNumber of days2096207820952185225622902314
Number of years(5 years, 9 months)(5 years, 8 months)(5 years, 9 months)(almost 6 years)(6 years, 2 months)(6 years, 3 months)(6 years, 4 months)
6. Veterinary medicines≤ 2 animal day dosageAnimal daily dose2,162,022,042,192,172,092,18
More grass & biodiversityObjectiveResults
Indicatoruntil 202520172018201920202021202220232024
7. Grass in rations
≥ 15% fresh grass OR
Fresh grass in ration (% dry matter)15171718181817
≥ 60% incl grass silageTotal grass in rations (% dry matter)58585959606059
8. Homegrown protein≥ 65%% own protein6965737064*61*62*
9. Concentrates and by-productsThe concentrate ration is ≤ 25 kg/100 kg of milk ANDKg concentrate / 100 kg milk28,526,5*22,3*2222,222,622,5
Concentrates including by-products (in kg
dry matter) ≤ 30 kg/100 kg of milk measured
Kg concentrate + by-products / 100 kg milk29,6*26,8*26,725,826,826,5
10. Agricultural nature management≥ 5% of the area% farms with >5% agricultural nature45505146524848
Area of agricultural nature of the above mentioned group (%)2627,82929262728
11. Perennial grassland≥ 50% of the area% permanent pasture576061616261
* Modified calculation system
Better environment & climateObjectiveResults
Indicatoruntil 202520172018201920202021202220232024
12. Green power and low energy consumption100% green power and ≤6 kWh/100kg of measured milkPower consumption (kWh/100kg milk)5,55,15,44,85,15,04,8
% of companies purchasing green energy46567380828990
13. Own energy≥ 25% of electricity relative to total
electricity consumption is generated on the farm itself.
generated on the farm.
% of companies with energy generation24263438445363
% own energy vs. electricity consumption17182227304049
14. Greenhouse gas emissions≤120 kg CO2
eq/100 kg
measuring milk
CO₂ equivalents / 100 kg milk13413313412312011994,6
15. N soil surplus≤ 150kg N/haN soil surplus / ha Nitrogen indicator144160134152152166123
16. Ammonia emissions≤ 75kg NH₃/haAmmonia / ha Nitrogen indicator66645658515050
17. Crop protection≤ 250 environmental impact points Number of environmental impact points3858451331266650
Glyphosate-free% of farms glyphosate-free88919899100100
Socially involvedObjectiveResults
Indicatoruntil 2025201920202021202220232024
18. Company is open to societyMore than 100 unique visitors per yearAverage visitors per company226175249369420
Share of companies with a social side branch (%)10,329,834,931,428,4