CONO Kaasmakers is a small farmers' cooperative with a big ambition. Together we go for positive for future generations, doing everything we can to pass on our world to the next generation in a positive way.
We work in a transparent way to make the tastiest cheese. In doing so, we don't make any concessions to the quality and taste you've come to expect from our cheese.
Together, positive for future generations.
CONO wants to be involved and close to society. We realize that our actions have an impact on the climate. That is why, as a cooperative, we are committed to the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations in 2015. With the goal of making the world a better place.
How do we do that?
We do this throughout our cheese chain from cow's mouth to store shelf. We first make our own share ofCO2 as small as possible. IfCO2 reduction is not (yet) possible, we invest in measures that captureCO2. We work transparently to make the tastiest cheese. In doing so, we make no concessions whatsoever to the quality and taste you are used to from our cheese. All for a fair milk price.

Our goal in a number: 30% reduction
We make the chain positive in two steps First, we try to make our own share ofCO2 as small as possible. For the part that we cannot (yet) reduce, we invest in measures that captureCO2.CO2 emissions are measured in so-called 'kilograms ofCO2 equivalent per kilogram of CONO cheese'. An objective calculation model is used for this, namely a life cycle analysis by Blonk Sustainability. It boils down to this: the lower, the better. We calculated that by 2030 we can reduce emissions by about 30%. We do this in five areas in the chain "from cow's mouth to store shelf": On the farm, milk transport, cheese making, cheese ripening, packaging and cheese transport. We do not count by-products and side streams such as cream and whey powder.
Phase two: even less than zero
On the farm, we are exploring the possibilities of circular farming and carbon farming, among other things, which is aboutCO2 sequestrationunder grassland and trees, for example. And as soon as there is a proven innovation for our cheesemaking that suits us, think biogas, hydrogen, geothermal, and heat networks, we hook on. Finally, we buyCO2 certificates from climate projects. Projects from afar if necessary, aimed at planting new trees and preserving rainforests, for example. But if possible, we also buyCO2 certificates from our own livestock farmers.
Sustainable stories
For CONO Kaasmakers, the climate issue is a chain issue with the cow at the centre: "from cow's mouth to shop shelf". This starts with the feed for the cow, followed by measures on the farm and in the cheese factory, in the distribution and in the packaging on the shop shelf. We want to use all our expertise and develop new knowledge to reduce our footprint and capture CO₂. In doing so, we focus on happy cows, happy farmers and happy planet, so the cows continue to graze outdoors and together with our farmers we give further substance to our ambition. Read the sustainability stories here.